Thursday, February 16, 2023

Brigham Young (October 7, 1866) on the Contingent Nature of the Promise to David Hyrum Smith being a Leader in the LDS Church


now here is young David he is the pet of the company I believe and writes a good deal heart and hand with William Mark and Gurley and hundred others apostates that apostatized and was with the mob and now young Josephites now then I have [sat/stood?] on this stand told the people some things that Joseph the prophet said concerning his son at the time of the death of Joseph and his wife Emma in family [way] Joseph previous to his death said she shall have a son and his name will be called David and says he him the Lord will look after I am looking for the time the Lord speak to him but let him pursue the course he now is he will never preside over the Latter-day Saints in time and eternity he has got to repent of his sins turn away from his iniquity to cease to do evil and learn to do well embrace the gospel of life and salvation be an obedient son of God or he never can walk up and possess his right it would be his right if he would only follow in the path of duty I hope he will repent and hope the whole family will] the likeliest son of them is dead whether the rest will live or not I do not know now you old Mormons stop your talking about young Joseph about David be [obstructed/distracted?] David going to preside over the church by and by I wish he was prepared for it and was and if he would come here and confess his sins and repent of them and be baptized and be ordained  . . . (Brigham Young, October 7, 1866; click here for the transcript; click here for the shorthand text by scribe George D. Watt)