Friday, June 30, 2023

Joseph Smith's Interpretation of 1 John 5:7 as recorded by George Laub (June 16, 1844)


I and my father are one &again. that the father son and holy ghost are one 1 John 5 ch 7 ve But these three agree in the same thing. So did the saviour pray to the father. I pray not fo rthe world But for those whome ye gave me out of the world that we might Be one or to say Be of one mind in the unity of the faith. But every one Being a diffrentor seperate person & so is god and Jesus christ and the holy ghost Seperate persons But the[y]all agree in one or the selfsame thing. But the holy ghost is yet a spiritual Body. And waiting to take to himself a body as the saviour did or as god did or the gods before them took bodies. for the Saviour says the works that my father did do I also and these are the works; he took himself a body and then Laid down his Life that he might take it up again and the scripture says those who will obey the commandments hall be heirs of god and join theirs with Jesus Christ. we then also took Bodies to lay them down and take them up again. & the spirit itself Bareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of god and if children then heirs &of god and joint heirs with Jesus Christ if so be that we Suffer with him in the flesh that we may be also glorified together. see Romans 8 chap16 & 17 verses


Source: Discourse, 16 June 1844–A, as Reported by George Laub