Thursday, June 29, 2023

MRM (McKeever & Johnson) not Wanting to Debate

 Recently, an Anglican friend of mine reached out to Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson of Mormonism "Research" Ministry if they would debate me. Both McKeever and Johnson are long-time critics of the Church, have written books, articles, and lecture in various Protestant churches worldwide critiquing Latter-day Saint history, theology, and scriptures, and present themselves as experts on "Mormonism." One would expect that they would happily engage in debates with informed Latter-day Saints, to show how LDS arguments fail and how their flavor of Protestnatism holds up to scrutiny.

Well, one would think that, but nope. As I told Liam, they are cowards who will not engage in debates, and I have been proven true (my thanks to Liam McDade [originally from Cork, Ireland] for sending me these images):

Whenever one encounters McKeever and Johnson and/or fans of MRM, just remind them that they are spineless.