Thursday, June 15, 2023

"The Land of Jerusalem" in 4Q385b

In the text 4Q385b (4QapocrJerc) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiahc, we read the following:


Frag. 16 col. i 1 […] Blank 2 [… and] Jeremiah the prophet [went] from before yhwh, 3 [… the] exiles who were brought into exile from the land of Jerusalem and were led 4 […] king of Babel, when Nabuzaradan, chief of the escort, struck . . . (Florentino García Martínez and Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar, The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition [Leiden: Brill, 1999], 773)


“From the land of Jerusalem” translates מארץ ירושלים.