Sunday, July 30, 2023

Latter-day Saints Accused of Being "Idol Worshipers" for Believing in an Embodied Deity in Wales, October 1848


1848 October, Y Dysgedydd (Instructor), pp. 289-291 (1,550 words). “The Mormons. The Story of Joseph Smith, in a Letter from America.”


This is the same letter that appeared in the Revivalist for January and in the Wesleyan Treasury for April 1848. This version, however, has a lengthy postscript with details as to how misguided the “Mormons” are in their beliefs. The editor provides a list of certain aspects of their “false doctrine” that was meant to serve as a warning to all his readers to refrain from even talking with those who have been deceived by them.


1. They are idol worshipers since they believe that man was created in the likeness of God.

2. They do not understand the scriptures because they claim to have continual revelation.

3. They claim that there has not been a true religion in the world from the time of the apostles until the calling of Joseph Smith.

4. The “Mormons” are nothing but shameless and impudent deceivers, and many of them are more dangerous and poisonous than professed atheists.

5. Those in this country who have embraced their views are completely dark, unprincipled, and weak-minded people. (On Trial in the Welsh Press: Latter-day Saint Missionaries Declare and Defend the Faith, 1840-1860, ed. Ronald D. Dennis [Provo, Utah: BYU Religious Studies Center, 2023], 19-20)


Further Reading:

Lynn Wilder vs. Latter-day Saint (and Biblical) Theology on Divine Embodiment