Friday, August 18, 2023

Blake Ostler on the King Follett Discourse and the Plan of Salvation

[Commenting on the King Follett Discourse]


Thus, God has prepared a plan which grants us a space so that we are free to enter into relationship with him because we are free to choose whether to reject him. The most basic commitment of the Mormon understanding of God is that a genuine relationship of love cannot be guaranteed or unilaterally caused by one of the parties so that relationship but must be mutually and freely chosen. On this view, salvation is not a status that one obtains but one that arises from enjoying a loving relationship with God; and conversely, sin is not an evil status but an alienation from and the breaching of this relationship. The very purpose of life is found in the fact that God seeks to persuade us to enter into the same type of relationship that the individual divine persons of the Godhead have to one another and thereby to bring us to their same glory and exaltation. The relationship which God seeks with us is characterized by loving and mutually glorifying unity.


Blake T. Ostler, Exploring Mormon Thought: The Problems of Theism and the Love of God (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2006), 4-5