Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Daniel Ortner Embarrasses Himself on Sola Scriptura (and reiteration of a debate challenge on Sola Scriptura and Baptismal Regeneration)

Daniel Ortner, a former Latter-day Saint who has now embraced a form of Protestantism and is very critical (and ignorant) of his former faith appeared on a LDS channel yesterday to discuss Sola Scriptura. My friends Travis Anderson and Elliks Green were on it, and they destroyed Daniel and his frankly stupid arguments (e.g., claiming that Deut 4:2 and Rev 22:18 "strongly imply" the closure of the canon!)

One can watch the interaction here.

I have challenged Ornter to debate me on baptismal regeneration and Sola Scriptura before, and I will reiterate that challenge.

BTW, Daniel claimed yet again during this exchange that I brought up his children and for that reason he will not debate me. All I said was that he brought his family, including his kids, into a false religion (Protestantism). For someone who thinks I am a member of a false religion and will spend eternity in hell, he is just making excuses.