Saturday, October 21, 2023

John Taylor Contradicting the Adam-God Theory (July 29, 1877)

God, it is true, created the world; God, it is true, is the Father and Spirit of all flesh; God, it is true, has a right to demand obedience from his children, and the observance of the laws he has given unto them; but that right has been contested from the very first. Satan placed a demurrer in the way immediately, and from the two sons of Adam, one of which feared God and the other did not, the wicked one killed the righteous, who himself appeared to be master of the field under the guidance and direction of Satan, and he held this position and this influence for a length of time upon the earth, until Seth was introduced to represent Abel, to represent God, and also to represent all the principles of truth and righteousness; and Satan with his influence and those that yielded to him, under the influence of Cain and others associated with them that had wrought wickedness, bore sway; and iniquity of every kind prevailed, they fought against God and the principles of truth and righteousness, and it was then as it is today, . . .


John Taylor, "God's Purposes Unchangeable—the Two Powers—the Everlasting Priesthood—Abraham and Melchisedeck—Organizing Stakes of Zion—Temple Building—the Latter-Day Saints the Friends of the World," July 29, 1877, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: William Budge, 1878), 19:77