Thursday, October 5, 2023

Sebastian Meyer (1465-1545) on the “Woman” in Revelation 12


Meyer, 46t.:


Not only did the church give birth to a male son, that is, to one who is strong and mighty in battle. Who would govern all nations, that is, would give them the heart and the spirit to observe the Law . . . With a rod of iron. That is, with the inflexible justice. Psalm 2: you shall break them with a rod of iron, and Psalm 45: your royal rod, a rod of righteousness. In Hebrew, rod means royal scepter. And the devil did not cease until he turned against Christ Judas the traitor and the Jewish high priests and chieftains so that they crucified him. And it was then that he thought he would eat him, but he was wrong. . . [49r.:] and she gave birth to a male son. Either she gave birth to Christ in the hearts of the elect . . . whom he calls rightly male, as one who will put an end to the doings of the dragon and will finally crush his head and kill him. Or else this refers to another excellent man to whom Satan will have to yield with his false prophets. Such were in former times, Stephen, Paul, Apollo, and their like. Also Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine, and John Hus and in our time Oecolampadius. . . . Note therefore that it did not seem enough for John to say son, without adding male. As if he were saying: however sharp Satan’s attacks, the church continues to give birth with the help of Christ. And she does not give birth to just anyone, but to a male son, robust, swift, and who will fight the dragon. (Irena Backus, Reformation Readings of the Apocalypse: Geneva, Zurich, and Wittenberg [Oxford Studies in Historical Theology; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000], 54)