Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Arch S. Reynolds on the Problems of Calvinism


If God beforehand has made our fate determined, how is it that He intended to establish Saul’s house as kings forever? “The Lord would have established thy kingdom upon Israel forever.” (I Sam. 13:13) How inconsistent for God to promise the kingdom to Saul’s house forever, then dethrone him on the last provocation. If Saul’s fate were determined for him before hand, then how can we explain the actual facts in the case, that he and his house were repudiated by God. We know also that God had already promised that the kingdom would go to the house of David. (See Gen. 49:12) This is determined by the Patriarchal blessing to Judah by Israel his father. If Saul had been obedient to God’s commands, he and his house would have received the blessing instead of the curse. This shows that all blessings are predicated upon our full cooperation and faithfulness, whether we shall receive them. (Arch S. Reynolds, God’s Ways are Wonderful, Comprehensible [Springville, Utah: Arch S. Reynolds, n.d.], 52-53)


The advocates of predestination teach that God has fixed the destiny of all persons before their births, some to salvation, and some to wrath. Ezek 3:23 shows otherwise. “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” “And not that he should return from his wicked ways, and live?” This appeal of the Lord would be foolishness if the ones addressed were powerless to choose. However, it seems that animals or creatures other than man, are predestined from Rom. 8:21. “Because the creature itself, also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” This teaches that animals are under bondage here on earth, however, over there they shall become free as the spirits of mankind in heaven. (Ibid., 57-8)