Saturday, December 2, 2023

Description of New Altar for Sealing by Brigham Young, January 6, 1846


This afternoon, the new altar was used for the first time, and four individuals and their wives were sealed. The altar is about two and one half feet high and two and one half feet long about one foot wide, rising from a platform about 8 or 9 inches inch and extending out on all sides about a foot, forming a convenient place to kneel upon. The top of the altar and the platform for kneeling upon are covered with cushions of scarlet damask cloth; the sides of the upright part or body of the altar are covered with white linen. (Brigham Young, January 6, 1846, in Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1846-1847, comp. Elden J. Watson [Salt Lake City: Elden J. Watson, 1971], 8)