Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Genesis 19:24 (=JST Genesis 19:31)

Gen 19:24 (=JST Gen 19:31) reads:


Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.


OT MS 1, p. 48 reads:



and the Lord did not distroy Sodom untill Lot had entered into Zoar and then when Lot had entered into Zoar the Lord reghned rained upon Sodom and upon Gommorrah for the Angels called up<on> the name of the Lord for brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven



OT MS 2, p. 49 reads:



And the Lord did not destroy Sodom, untill Lot had entered into Zoar; & then, when Lot had entered into Zoar, the Lord rained upon Sodom & upon Gomorrah, fire & brimstone for the Angel<s> called upon the name of the Lord for brimstone & fire, from the Lord out of Heaven[,]<;>