Friday, December 1, 2023

Hilarious Caricature of Latter-day Saint Soteriology from 1898


The degree of the Mormon's reward and his glory in eternity, depends in no respect upon his moral qualities, or his manner of life, or his deeds, whether good or bad, or the way in which he has served God or man; but solely upon his sensuality. There is absolutely nothing whatever in the Mormon doctrines of future rewards and punishments to stir one noble impulse, or awaken one pure and holy aspiration, or prompt to a single deed of charity or benevolence. On the contrary, there is the most powerful consideration that can influence a human soul, that of a man's eternal destiny, to sink him to the lowest depths of bestiality. if he have a great many wives and a great many children, he will have a very great glory, and become the peer of the eternal God. (A. C. Osborn, The Mormon Doctrine of God and Heaven: An Address Delivered Before the Baptist Ministers' Conference of South Carolina, November, 1898 [Nashville: Sunday School Board Southern Baptist Convention, 1899], 46-47)


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