Monday, January 29, 2024

Francis M. Darter's Critique of the SDA Interpretation of Daniel 8:14, Part 2


(4) If it were known to the two angels, Gabriel and possibly Michael (Dan. 10:12, 21), the two senior angels, that this future Sanctuary was to be restored or constructed in the heavens, then why did they mention the characteristic of cleanliness? The word “cleansed” would be superfluous, to say the least; whereas, if it was to be an earthly Temple, clean ordinances indicate the hand of God.


(5) Likewise, why mention a set time when “the host” would cease “to be trodden under foot” in A.D. 1798, and receive a Heavenly blessing in 1843, if the “host” (the living worshippers of God on earth) were to be forced to  continue their going about over the earth (now almost 100 years) without divine revelations or the restoration of His Gospel, Church, Sanctuary, and Priesthood after the time of fulfilment was passed? However, we do agree perfectly with that portion of Uriah Smith’s writings, “Thoughts on Daniel and the Book of Revelations,” which shows that the original organization of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Saints were destroyed and overcome by Rome.


(6) Now where are the living Saints coming form at Christ’s coming, if there is to be no true Church restored previous to His second coming? Such reasoning as this is out of the question, for the reason that the language of the prophecy is not fulfilled form any angle.


(7) furthermore, the prophetic period of 1335 years in Dan. 12:12 also terminated in A.D. 1843 and the vision calls for a blessing to be restored to the living at that time. Now these two facts are also acknowledged by Mr. Uriah Smith in the same volume pages 315-16. Furthermore, if the A.D. 1843 Sanctuary of Daniel 8th was to be restored in the heavens and the work be for the dead only, then what becomes of the A.D. 1843 special blessing that was promised in Daniel 12:5-12 to the living? The mere fact that certain ones have gradually gained a fair knowledge of Daniel’s prophecies is no special benefit, unless they can connect their fulfillment with specific earthly events.


(8) Uriah Smith cuts off all retreat when he acknowledges that the blessing promised in Daniel 12:12 pertains to no other than those living at that time. I quote: “The only thing promised at the end of the 1335 days is a blessing unto those who wait and come to that time; that is, those who are then living.” P. 315.


(9) He also acknowledges that this same blessing is referred to, and symbolized in other scriptures (Rev. 12:6-7) namely “under the symbol of an angel flying through mid-heaven with a special announcement of the everlasting Gospel to the inhabitants of the earth. Surely the Bible gives prominence to this movement.” (p. 316)


Now then, I have previously explained in Chapters III, V and VI, how the Angel Moroni brought forth the plates of the Book of Mormon in the very beginning of this 1843 Restoration period. Showing that it was the Everlasting Gospel. It should therefore be clear to the reader that through the Latter Day Saints have been fulfilled the prophecies in every detail and they are the only ones who can offer a tangible explanation of the prophecies terminating in 1843. (Francis M. Darter, “The Time of the End”: Mysteries of Daniel Unveiled [Los Angeles: Wetzel Publishing Company, 1928], 207-9)