Friday, February 9, 2024

Abraham Lincoln (July 4, 1861) Believing that the U.S. Civil War may be "a short and decisive one"


It is now commended that you give legal means for making this contest a short and decisive one, that you place at the control of the government for this work at least 400,000 men and $400,000,000. That number of men is about one-tenth of those of proper ages within the regions where all are willing to engage and the sum is less than a twenty-third part of the money value owned by the men who seem ready to devote the whole. (Abraham Lincoln, first message to Congress, July 4, 1861, in Frank Williams Prescott, "Tariff Legislation 1859-1862: Its Relation to Protection and Political Activities" [M.A. Thesis; University of Wisconsin, 1921], 68)


Further Reading:


Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies