Friday, March 29, 2024

More Proof that Tim Jackson is an idiot and Daniel Ortner is Conscious Liar

My friend Travis Anderson recently engaged Tim "the Tard" Jackson and Daniel Ortner:

Daniel Ortner, Tim Jackson join a debacle.

In this interaction, you will see that Tim Jackson is an idiot, pure and simple, who has never read the Book of Mormon, is clueless about exegesis, and can only divert when asked to support his own theology. No wonder he will not engage me in a moderated debate on the Priesthood of All Believers (his obsession when attempting to engage LDS) because he would be destroyed. Further, it proves, as I have said many times before, that Daniel Ortner is a conscious liar and a fraud. But do not take my word for it: listen to the interaction. Daniel, for someone who was LDS for years, should know his arguments are bogus, but anything to silence his conscious convicting him of the great error he has made by becoming a Protestant.