Saturday, June 1, 2024

Daniel C. Fredericks and Daniel J. Estes on Song of Solomon 5:16


16. The pl. abstract nouns mamtaqqîm and maḥămaddîm are used to refer to the qualities of sweetness and delightfulness or charm that epitomize Solomon (Waltke 7.4.2a; Joüon 136g).


The phrase kullô maḥămaddîm is lit. ‘his entirety is delight’, which Bloch and Bloch (1995: 188) describe as ‘a generalizing statement summing up the details of the praise song, paralleling the young man’s words to the Shulamite at the end of his praise song, 4:7’. (Daniel C. Fredericks and Daniel J. Estes, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs [Apollos Old Testament Commentary 16; Downers Grove, Ill. InterVarsity Press, 2010], 373)