Monday, July 15, 2024

Bruce R. McConkie (Letter to Honest Truth Seekers, July 1, 1980): "There are no private doctrines"


10. There are no private doctrines


All of the doctrines and practices of the Church are taught publicly. There are no secret doctrines, no private practices, no courses of conduct approved for a few only (Isa. 45:19; 48:16; 2 Ne. 20:16; D&C 1:34). The blessings of the gospel are for all men. Do not be deceived into believing that the General Authorities believe any secret doctrines or have any private ways of living. Everything that is taught and practiced in the Church is open to public inspection, or, at least, where temple ordinances are concerned, to all the inspection and knowledge of everyone who qualifies himself by personal righteousness to enter the house of the Lord. (Bruce R. McConkie, "A Letter to Honest Truth Seekers,” July 1, 1980, 4-5)