Thursday, August 29, 2024

Note on Paul preaching “the whole counsel of God” to the Ephesians


. . . we must also point out that nowhere in the Galatian epistle does Paul say that all his revelations from God were going to be confined to Scripture. A parallel situation occurs in his dealings with the Ephesians. In Acts 20:25-31 Paul explains that he was with the Ephesians for three years. He says that during this time he preached “the whole counsel of God” to them. Yet in Ephesians 3:2-3 Paul says, “Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, that is, the mystery made known to me be revelation, as I have already written briefly.” Here Paul is speaking about the same kind of revelations he received in Gal. 1:12, yet he adds that he has only written briefly about these revelations to the Ephesians. We can only conclude that not all of Paul’s divine revelations were confined to Scripture. (Robert A. Sungenis, "Pont/Counterpoint: Protestant Objections and Catholic Answers," in Not By Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura, ed. Robert A. Sungenis [2d ed.; State Line, Pa.: Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., 2013], 210)




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