Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Colin G. Kruse: "Baptism" in Romans 6 is water baptism

Commenting on "baptism" in Rom 6:3-4, Colin G. Kruse (who himself rejects baptismal regeneration) admits that it is speaking of water baptism, not a metaphor (as many disingenuous Protestants claim to avoid the ramifications of Rom 6:3-7 vis-a-vis baptism and salvation):


It is a baptism ‘into Christ Jesus’. An examination of the references made to baptism across the letters of Paul indicates that he saw it as an initiatory rite undergone by people as a means by which they confessed Christ as their Lord. It is a part of the full conversion-initiation experience that involves repentance and faith in Christ expressed in submission to baptism on the part of the convert, when God for his part grants forgiveness and the gift of his Spirit. (Colin G. Kruse, Paul’s Letter to the Romans (The Pillar New Testament Commentary; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2012]. 260)



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