Carlos Xavier, an online
Unitarian apologist (and son-in-law to Sir. Anthony Buzzard, author of
Unitairan works such as Jesus was not a Trinitarian [for a thorough
refutation of this book, see here]) recently posted an image on facebook in the
Socinian-themed group, “Restoration Fellowship”:
No doubt, Xavier is
attempting to portray the Book of Mormon as being textually dependent upon the
spurious 1 John 5:7-8. Notice, however, 3 Nephi 11:35-36 is not a quotation of the
Comma Johanneum. Moreover, that the Father and Son (and Holy Spirit) (1) bear
witness to one another and (2) are "one" (though not within a Trinitarian or Modalist understanding) are themes found in
non-contested texts n the Johannine literature (John 8:18; 10:25, 30; 17:11,
As with many arguments against the Book of Mormon, this one does not hold up under any scrutiny.