Saturday, November 7, 2020

Why Patrick Mason is a Lousy Apologist

I am not a fan of Patrick Mason. His book Planted is weak, but if that was it, I would not really bother with this post. However, Mason is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Firstly, he is more than willing to pride himself on supporting ideologies that advocate murdering unborn children in the womb and mutilating young children to appease the transgender lobby:

He has also engaged in spiritual footsie with enemies of the Gospel, including John Dehlin:

Mormon Stories #805: An Overview of Mormon Apologetics and Neo-Apologetics Pt. 2

Mason is a "neo-Apologist"--one who likes "Mormonism" but, functionally, does not take it seriously, such as Book of Mormon historicity and acting as if Joseph Smith told the truth. While there are still "good eggs" at NAMI, Mason is representative of the spiritual cancer it has largely become and has been spewing in the past few years. But hey, anything to play footsie with the (largely secular, leftist) academia, right? Mason is more than happy to have thrown away his inheritance (fidelity to the gospel; eternal rewards in the hereafter) for a bowl of pottage (bowing down to the [secular] academia; eternal judgment in the age to come).

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