Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Estefanía Acosta's Nutty Interpretation of the Book of Revelation and the Epistle of Barnabas

To show that it is not just those who hold to premillennialism who come up with whacky interpretations of the book of Revelation, the following comes from a recent work by a Catholic arguing that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, not Francis/Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is the true pontiff and his resignation was null and void (and of course, most Catholics are much more careful about their interpretation of Revelation, so not imputing this crackpottery to them):


The signs of nature . . . divine messages?


Finally, it would be necessary to pay attention to the signs of nature that surrounded both BXVI’s resignation and JMB’s election: the lightening over the Sistine Chapel at the time of Benedict’s resignation (a sign of God’s wrath?), the attack of the seagull on one of the pigeons released by Benedict from his balcony and the presence of a European herring gull Larus Argentatus) on the chimney of the Sistine Chapel before the 2013 white smoke (note, on the one hand, that in Lev. 11.13-19 it is pointed out that the seagull is to be considered “unclean” and it is said of her “to be an abomination”, and on the other, that Msgr. Bergoglio is an Argentine descendent of European migrants.


Pure chance, or could we consider, also here, through these signs a revelation from God in relation to BXVI’s “resignation”? (Estefanía Acosta, Benedict XVI: Pope “Emeritus”? [trans. Clara Eugenia Laverde and Estefaníá Acosta; n.p., 2021], 72)


In an endnote to the above, the Epistle of Barnabas (late-first/early second-century AD text) is marshalled in support of this interpretation:


It would be convenient at this point to bring the interpretation of these verses found in chapter 10 of the Letter of Barnabas, that despite not explicitly citing the seagull, refer to the Levitical passage which mentions it (Coleção Patrística. Padres Apostólicos. São Paulo: Paulus. p. 301): “It says <<You shall not eat an eagle, or a hawk, or a kite, or a crow>>. That is: you will not link yourself, imitating them, to those men who do not know how to earn their food with work and sweat, but who, in their injustice, snatch the good of others. They walk with an innocent air, but spy and see who they are going to strip out for ambition. They are like those birds, the only ones that do not feed themselves, but perch idly, looking for an opportunity to feed on the meat of others. They are true scourges for their cruelty”. [ndt – emphasis added] (Ibid., 193 n. 94)


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