Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Notes on Revelation 11:1-12:6 from the Geneva Bible (1560)



Verse 1

a.   Which declareth yt Christ Jesus wil buylde his Church and not have it destroyed: for he measureth out his spiritual Temple.


Verse 2

b.   The Jewish tēple was devided into thre parts: the bodie of the temple which is called the court, whereinto everie mā entred: ye holie places where ye levits were: & the holiest of all, whereinto the high Priest once a yere entred: in respect therefore of these two later, the first is said to be cast out, because as a thīg prophane it is neglected whē the temple is measured, and yet the adversaries of Christ boast that thei are in the Tēple, and yt none are of the Tēple, but they.

c.   That is, the Church of God.

d.   Meaning, a certeine time: for God hathe limited the times of Antichrists tyrānie.


Verse 3

e.   By two witnesses he meaneth all the preachers yt shulde buylde up Gods Church, alluding to Zorubbabel and Jehoshua which were chiefly appointed for this thing, and also to this saying, In the mouthe of two witnesses standeth everie worde.

f.    Signifying a certeine time: for whē God giveth strength to his ministers, their persecutions seme, but as it were for a day or two.

g.   In poore simple and apparel.


Verse 4

h.   Whereby are signified the excellēt graces of them which beare witnes to the Gospel.

i.    Who hathe dominion over the whole earth.


Verse 5

k.   By Gods worde whereby his ministers discomfit the enemies.


Verse 6

l.    They denounce Gods judgement against the wicked, that they can not enter into heaven.

m.  Which is to declare & procure Gods vengeance.


Verse 7

n.   That is, the Pope which hathe his power out of hel and cometh thence.

o.   He sheweth how the Pope gaineth the victorie, not by Gods worde, but by cruel warre.


Verse 8

p.   Meaning the whole jurisdiction of the Pope, which is cōpared to Sodom for their abominable sinne, and to Egypt because the true libertie to serve God is taken away from the faithful: and Christ was cōdemned by Pilate, who represented the Romaine power which shulde be enemie to the godlie.


Verse 10

q.   The infidels are tormented by hearing ye trueth preached.


Verse 11

r.    Which shalbe at the last resurrection.


Verse 12

s.   For it semed that Antichrist had chased them out of the earth.


Verse 13

t.    Of the power of Antichrist.

u.   When they shal understād by Gods worde the glorie of his, and the punishment of his enemies, thei shal fall from the Pope, and glorifie God.


Verse 15

x.   Albeit Satā by ye Pope, Turke and other instruments troubleth the worlde never so muche, yet Christ shal reigne.


Verse 16

y.   Jesus Christ.


Verse 17

z.   This declareth the office of the godlie, which is to give God thākes for the deliverance of his, and to praise his justice for punishing of his enemies.


Verse 19

a.   Which signifie the destruction of the enemies.




Verse 1

a.   In this third vision is declared how ye Church which is compassed about with Jesus Christ the Sonne of righteousnes, is persecuted of Antichrist.

b.   The Church treadeth under fote whatsoever is mutable, and incōstant, with all corrupt affections and suche like.

c.   Which signifie God and his worde.


Verse 2

d.   The Church ever with a moste servent desire longed yt Christ shulde be borne, & that the faithful might be regenerate by his power.


Verse 3

e.   The devil, & all his power which burneth with furie and is red with ye blood of the faithful.

f.    For he is prince of this worlde & almoste hathe ye universal governement.


Verse 4

g.   By his flatteries & promises he gaineth manie of ye excellēt ministers & honorable persones, and bringeth thē to destruction.


Verse 5

h.   Which is Jesus Christ the first borne amōg manie brethrē, who was borne of ye virgin Marie as of a special mēber of ye Churche.


*    Psal. 2:9.

Verse 6

i.    The Church was removed frō among the Jewes to the Gētiles, which were as a barē wildernes, and so it is persecuted to & fro.


Source: Geneva Bible: Notes (vol. 2; Geneva: Rovland Hall, 1560), 118

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