Monday, January 1, 2024

Daniel Ortner Embarrasses Himself on Sola Scriptura vs. Travis Anderson

 A few weeks ago, my friend Travis Anderson interacted with Daniel Ortner on the topic of Sola Scriptura. It was a massacre and shows that Ornter's engagement with his former faith and his newfound Protestant faith to be piss poor:

Debate on Sola Scriptura with Daniel Ortner and Others

Daniel was challenged by Travis to take me up on my debate challenges (baptismal regeneration and Sola Scriptura) and lied by claiming I made fun of his kids; all I said in the past was that he and his wife brought their kids into a false, blasphemous religion and are guilty of spiritual child abuse. The funny thing is that he would think the same if a Protestant became a Latter-day Saint, so double standards ahoy.

If Daniel wants to live in his spiritual delusion and embrace Protestantism, he can enjoy the consolation prize of accepting a damnable theology that makes God a liar (such as the doctrine of imputation) now and damnation in the age to come. But people like Travis will always be there to call him up on his lack of knowledge, intellectual integrity, and frankly, a spine to debate informed LDS apologists on the relevant issues.

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