Monday, May 20, 2024

D&C 117:12 in light of an uncanonized revelation from May 13, 1839

 In D&C 117:12, we read the following promise to Oliver Granger:


And again, I say unto you, I remember my servant Oliver Granger; behold, verily I say unto him that his name shall be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever, saith the Lord. (D&C 117:12)


Some LDS apologists have argued that this “sacred remembrance” refers to God remembering Oliver Granger, and perhaps in this verse, that is the case (see my article Oliver Granger and “Sacred Remembrance”). However, there is an uncanonized revelation dated May 13, 1839, mirroring D&C 117:12:


Verily, thus saith the Lord—I will lift up my servant Oliver Grander and beget for him a great name on the earth and among my people, because of the integrity of his soul. Therefore, let all my Saints about unto him all liberality and long-suffering, and it shall be a blessing on their heads. ("Authorization for Oliver Granger, 13 May, 1839," The Joseph Smith Papers website)


Here, Oliver is promised “a great name on the earth and among my people,” which cannot simply be God remembering Oliver Granger, but Latter-day Saints here on the earth. Of course, Oliver Granger’s importance and integrity are well known among those who read early Latter-day Saint history, and it helps a great deal having one’s name and integrity recorded in modern revelation.


To help the continuing fulfillment of this prophecy, let me quote the biography for Oliver on the Joseph Smith Papers website:


7 Feb. 1794–23/25 Aug. 1841. Sheriff, church agent. Born at Phelps, Ontario Co., New York. Son of Pierce Granger and Clarissa Trumble. Married Lydia Dibble, 8 Sept. 1813, at Phelps. Member of Methodist church and licensed exhorter. Sheriff of Ontario Co. and colonel in militia. Partially blind from 1827 onward. Lived at Phelps, 1830. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and ordained an elder by Brigham and Joseph Young, ca. 1832–1833, at Sodus, Wayne Co., New York. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, 1833. Served mission to eastern U.S. with Samuel Newcomb. Ordained a high priest, 29 Apr. 1836, at Kirtland. Served mission to New York with John P. Greene, spring 1836. Appointed to Kirtland high council, 8 Oct. 1837. Appointed to settle JS’s business affairs in Kirtland, 1838. Left Kirtland for Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri, June 1838, possibly to confer regarding JS’s Kirtland business affairs. Directed in July 1838 revelation to move to Far West. Returned to Kirtland to settle JS’s affairs. Acted as agent in securing lands in Lee Co., Iowa Territory, May 1839. Appointed to preside over church in Kirtland, 4 May 1839. Died at Kirtland. (Granger, Oliver)


Further Reading:


Resources on Joseph Smith’s Prophecies