Friday, June 7, 2024

Luman Andros Shurtliff (1807-1884) Discussing Eschatological Passages and 19th-century LDS Interpretation Thereof


Second Thes. 2 chap. 3 verse. Rev. 12 chapt, also Dan. 7th Chap. 21 to the end of the chapt. By examining the above quotations, you may see they are speaking of a power that was to arise and destroy and wear out the Saints and have power over them a certain length of time. This length of time I shall not endeavor now to define but leave you to from your own mind upon it. Seeing the signs of the times are sufficient to point it out, but when you compare the above scriptures and the Popish power, you will see that Popery was the thing spoken of. The Apostle said in his day that the ministry of iniquity had began to work. This power had begun by degrees and increased until the first of the sixth century when the people placed him (the Pope) in the chair and proclaimed him God or having power to legislate for the Church, which power belonged to God only. This power continued to destroy the Saints until they were worn out. See Daniel 7th. This power was to hold the Saints until the Ancient of Days come or the Lord sat his hand the second time to gather Israel to the lands of their inheritance. The first beast spoken of in Rev. 13th chap. was the Popish power who received power of the dragon or the Devil. The second beast that sprang up received power of the first beast and those who worship under the law or order of the second beast worship through it the first beast. This last beast or power was to increase until it numbered 666. Now it is admitted by the learned that there is near that number of Churches. If so, you know they all sprang from the Church of England and the church of England from the popish Church, thus you see notwithstanding their honesty, they ignorantly worship the power of darkness, but the time of promise to the fathers drew near in which he (God) was to perform his great and strange work of the last days. The time began to dawn for the Saints to possess the kingdom. Daniel 7 Chap., also the kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2 chap. had become divided into ten parts, of which the toes were a representation. See the European powers, ten in number, which all sprang from the fourth or Roman Kingdom. On examining closely you will see this is the generations in which the God of Heaven was to set up a kingdom never to be destroyed or given to another people, and in as much as God was about to usher in or set up his kingdom, he sent and revealed it to his servants the prophet. Amos 3:7. Also, in fulfilment of Revelation 14:6-7. Many other passages I might notice, but these are sufficient. The fact of a Church or kingdom making its appearance at this particular time and that with the same officers and same ordinances as the one established by Christ himself when on earth, is sufficient to settle the matter in any candid mind. If not, let them compare one with the other, and they will find that one has the same power as the other and the same persecution follows one as the other. Look at these things, weigh the matter candidly, settle your minds (if not already settled) and be not entangled again in the religion of any denomination whatever. And do not think of receiving again the mark of the beast or make one of that number (God forbid). (Biographical Sketch of the Life of Luman Andros Shurtliff, 1807-1864, 235-37, spelling and grammar slightly updated)


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