Friday, June 7, 2024

Luman Andros Shurtliff (c. 1842/1843) discussing Posthumous Salvation and Related Topics


He then arose and asked three questions which was as follows: If Mormonism be true, what will become of our forefathers and all the good and wise men who have lived since the Apostles fell asleep? Second question: What will become of this congregation? Third question: What will become of me if I do not obey the Mormon doctrine? This was rather a close place for me, and I dreaded to answer, but my duty and the spirit dictated that I should answer lest I should be thought to equivocate or quibble. I arose and began by saying, "I feel impressed to answer the questions put by Friend Daton. He has heard twelve discourses delivered by me in this place and in his own town (Blandford) and has testified to the truth of most of them and has read the Book of Mormon and has had much private conversation with me on the principles of truth which Mr. D. calls Mormonism. In this conversation I have been careful to teach him all things necessary for his salvation. I now feel to answer plainly and simply these questions, beginning at the first. If Mormonism be true, what will become of our forefathers and all the wise and good men that have lived on the earth since the Apostles fell asleep? I stated that God had devised a plan by which all men might be saved--the dead as well as the living and all flesh was in the hands of a wise God and would have the privilege of the gospel and of entering into the strait and narrow way, referring to the first of Corinthians 15 Ch. 29 verse, also first Peter 4 ch. 6 vs. That all would have the gospel preached to them and be judged according to men in the flesh and have the opportunity of receiving or rejecting the gospel, etc. Second question. What will become of this congregation? Answer. Most of this congregation have heard the first principles of the gospel plainly set forth before them, and if they will receive ad obey them and continue to walk in them, they will be saved, and if they reject them, they will be damned or condemned, for they have not entered into the strait gate, neither are they walking in the narrow way that leads to happiness. Third question. What will become of me if I do not obey the Mormon doctrine? Answer. The Mormon doctrine which I have taught here is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and if he rejects this gospel, he will be damned and go down to hell, for no man with the understanding that Mr. Daton has of the gospel can be saved without obeying it. (Biographical Sketch of the Life of Luman Andros Shurtliff, 1807-1864, 284-85, spelling and grammar slightly updated)


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