Saturday, July 9, 2016

Refutations of CRI on the topic of Mormonism

The Christian "Research" Institute has produced much literature against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, as with so much "literature" on the topic of "Mormonism" produced by Evangelicals, it is, bluntly speaking, a joke on many levels (exegetically; theologically; historically; logically). Sadly, CRI is rather popular among Evangelicals who are ignorant of these areas (as well as Mormonism itself). To see refutations of some of CRI's material, see the following:

L. Ara Norwood, Still Losing the Battle . . . Still Not Knowing it: An Open Letter to Hank Hanegraaff (review of Hank Hanegraaff, The Mormon Mirage: Seeing Through the Illusion of Mainstream Mormonism) (html; pdf)

D. Charles Pyle, Review of Marian Bodine, The Book of Mormon vs. the Bible (or common sense) (html; pdf)