Saturday, July 9, 2016

Interpreting Causative Language Permissively

It is rather common for apologists for Calvinism to point to texts that speak of God causing sinful actions (e.g., Lam 2:17) as evidence for determinism. There have been many books refuting this concept, such as Gregory A. Boyd, Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy (Downers Grove, Illin.: IVP Academic, 2001). Troy Edwards as a useful blog post addressing this issue, showing that, yet again, Reformed apologists are engaging in eisegesis:

Interpreting Hebrew Causative Verbs Permissively: The Key to Vindicate God's Character of Love, Righteousness, and Holiness (.pdf edition)

It is important that God is not presented to the world as the author of sin or its harmful effects. We must proclaim the loving character of God if we want to see Him embraced by those who hate Him. The truth about God's love, when fully understood, does a better job of persuading men to leave their sin than the threats of an angry capricious God can do.