Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Eternal Security Debate

In Dec 1990, Gerry Matatics and James White debated one another on the topic of the Perseverance of the Saints (the Reformed understanding of "eternal security"). The debate was clearly one-sided, with Matatics defending the biblical truth that a justified believer can lose their salvation (Matatics did a good job at bringing up King David as a prime example of such a person). Heb 6, however, did not get much attention, notwithstanding it being a clear text disproving the P of TULIP and other formulations of eternal security (cf. White's later comments on Heb 10:29 [based on John Owen]; also Heb 10:10-14 [which White always abuses]). This issue aside, it is a good debate and is just over two hours

UPDATE: The video is no longer available on youtube. However, the audio is still available on Sermon Audio.