Friday, March 17, 2017

Listing of articles refuting Mike Thomas and Tony Brown of Reachout Trust

Mike Thomas (1953-) is a UK-based former Latter-day Saint turned anti-Mormon and Evangelical Protestant who is currently the director of Reachout Trust , succeeding Doug Harris after Harris' death in 2013. He and his wife, Anne, wrote the book, Mormonism: A Gold-Plated Religion (1997/2008). The following are articles on this blog refuting Thomas’ often-intellectually disingenuous, eisegesis-filled “arguments” against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

His colleague Tony Brown is not smart, too. See:

Email Exchange with Tony Brown (btw: I will happily have a 2 vs. 1 debate with Brown & Thomas on Sola Scriptura as long as I get 50% of the debate time).

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