Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Example of a Catholic Apologist Abandoning the Field of Historical Inquiry

According to Rome, her dogmas are apostolic traditions and have their origins in the inspired written and/or oral teachings of the apostles. However, many tend to ignore this in their apologetics (e.g., Peter D. Williams admitting that the Immaculate Conception was not believed until the second millennium in his debate against James White on the topic of Mariology). One recent example comes from Erick Ybarra who said the following:

In fact, if I didn't have 0% evidence of Catholic tradition from the first 10 centuries, that still would not be a debilitating, paralysing problem for us, because that's not part of our understanding of revelation (Book Release: Introduction to the Holy Bible for Traditional Catholics by Timothy Flanders [quote from the 1:29:16 mark])

Keep this in mind when you hear errant Catholics who claim that their faith is the "two thousand-year-old faith!"