Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Resurrection vs. First Vision?

Recently, Rob Bowman, in an effort to generate publicity for his joke of a book, Jesus’ Resurrection and Joseph’s Visions: Examining the Foundations of Christianity and Mormonism (Tampa, Fla.: DeWard Publishing Company, 2020) appeared on the Veracity Hill youtube show:

Episode 196: Resurrection vs. First Vision

To see why both this interview and the book is, as I said above, a joke, see:

Articles Interacting with Jesus’ Resurrection and Joseph’s Visions (2020)

As an aside, the host (who seems to be rather ignorant of "Mormonism") tried to poke fun at LDS epistemology and the LDS belief in the internal witness of the Holy Spirit. To understand the ignorance and damn hypocrisy from a Protestant on this, see:

Protestant Fideism: A Primer


Protestant Fideism Part 2: The "Testimonies" of Evangelical Anti-Mormons: Nothing but Subjective Feelings