Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Excerpt from Lidder, LDS Christians and Sikhs (2021)

While reading a book by a Sikh convert to the Restored Gospel, I came across the following about how poorly catechised British Sikhs are. Sad thing is, one can say the same exact thing about the modern Church:


My experience as a youth may be typical of many second generation Sikhs. According Mr. Sidhu says in his Booklet Sikh Religion and Christianity p. 11,


“Our preachers have been, and still are, content to utter pious irrelevances and sanctimonious trivialities irrespective of the fact whether their audience understand them or not. They repeat the liturgies parrot fashion knowing full well that people’s faith is imperceptibly undergoing change and some comprehensive well thought out plans of preaching are necessary. As a result the attendance of youngsters in our Gurdwaras has dwindled down to insignificant numbers and the Guru’s message has become for them dull, drab, dreary and uninspiring. Some Sikh youngsters have heard saying, “There is no difference between Christianity and Sikhism.” (Kashmir Lidder, LDS Christians and Sikhs [2021], 7)


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