Saturday, March 26, 2022

Adela Yarbro Collins on Revelation 3:21


The victor will sit with Christ on his throne as the victorious Christ sat with his Father on his throne. The enthronement of Christ with God is a striking image of their (functional) equality (cf. 1;14, 15, 17). At the time John wrote, Christians constituted God’s kingdom by acknowledging the rule of God and the kingship of Christ. In the new age, they would share that rule and kingship over the new creation (2:26-27; 5:10; 22:5). (Adela Yarbro Collins, “Revelation,” in The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, ed. John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara Reid, and Donald Senior [3d ed.; London: T&T Clark, 2022], 1866)


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