Saturday, August 12, 2023

Do the Book of Mormon and Other Early Restorationist Texts Teach Modalism? (with Adam Stokes)


Do the Book of Mormon and Other Early Restoration Texts Teach Modalism? (with Adam Stokes)

Please note: due to time constraints, we did not get to discuss the Lectures on Faith. We hope to dialogue on this and other issues (e.g., the changes to 1 Nephi; the Christology of 1-2 Nephi as a whole; the Book of Abraham) in the near future. We also hope to dialogue on the Greek New Testament and whether or not it teaches Modalism. Stay tuned!

As an aside, while this was a dialogue, not a debate proper, one has to give credit to Adam for engaging me on this topic. Unlike keyboard warriors like Tim Jackson and Travis Morgan (“Chemnitz Fan”), and cowards like Daniel Ortner and Tony Brown, Adam had no issue interacting with me.