Friday, June 2, 2023

Tim Jackson (Protestant keyboard warrior) Changes his Mind and Runs Away from a Moderated Debate on the Priesthood

Tim Jackson is a Protestant who often posts on facebook groups against Latter-day Saint theology, particularly our theology of the Priesthood. Today (June 2, 2023) He decided to post randomly on something on my f/b wall from 9 months ago(!) and quickly chickened out of a debate on the priesthood:

Tim would contact me on f/b (notwithstanding giving him my email address) to try to save face:

So, instead of interacting with the Latter-day Saint apologist who has written the most about this topic and ensure one would get 50% of the time, including a cross examination period, Tim Jackson, a 66 year old man, runs away from a debate. In reality, Tim Jackson is a keyboard warrior: he is a brave man (albeit, a very ignorant one) behind the keyboard, but push comes to shove, he will not debate an informed opponent, even what that opponent agrees to bear the burden of the affirmative in a debate.


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