Saturday, June 17, 2023

Warren McGrew and Paul Vendredi refute Mike Winger on Penal Substitution

Warren McGrew and Paul Vendredi posted a series of videos refuting Mike Winger on the nature of the atonement, showing that Winger is guilty of eisegesis, not just of the Bible, but the patristics (IMO, Winger has not read the patristics; just read proof-texts he has found online--his same research MO when it comes to "Mormonism"):

Mike Winger on Penal Substitution - A Response

In another video on the "Idol Killer" channel, "What is Penal Substitution? Reviewing PSA's 17 Claims," we have the following useful list:

The 17 Claims of the Appeasement School (Atonement School), also called Penal Substitutionary Atonement.


1. Adam as mankind's federal head transmits the guilt of his sin to all mankind. (Anselm)


2. Because of Original Sin mankind is now totally depraved. (Anselm)


3. Even Infants, innocent of personal sin, are guilty of Original Sin. (Anslem)


4. The sin of Adam infinitely offends God because the gravity of the offense depends on the worth of the one offended. (Anselm)


5. All sin is to be understood as a debt we owe God for the crime of having dishonored him. (Anselm)


6. Even Infants owe this debt. (Anslem)


7. In the Old Testament era, God insists that this debt be paid by shedding an innocent animal's blood. (Appeasement school)


8. God could have redeemed man by the simple act of wiling it... (Anselm)


9. ...but God cannot forgive sin without first punishing the sinner. (Anselm)


10. Not only must the redemption mirror the fall, but it must also be as painful as possible since the fall was easy. (Anselm)


11. Only the death of God-man is worthy to serve as a recompense to God for his offended honor. (Anselm)


12. Christ becomes incarnate so his humanity can suffer as a substitute for us. (Anselm)


13. God pours out His wrath on Christ pretending that Christ is we, the ones who actually deserve punishment (Appeasement School)


14. On the cross, Christ becomes literal sin and a literal curse. (Appeasement School)


15. God's eyes are too holy to look upon sin, so the Father turns his back on Christ, abandoning him. (Appeasement School)


16. Christ dies on the cross as an unblemished sacrifice and thereby removes the need for further sacrifice by appeasing God's wrath once and for all. (Appeasement School)


17. Thus Christ's death ransoms us from the wrath of God. (Anselm)

Answer: Yes. Mike Winger gets everything wrong.


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