Monday, August 7, 2023

"Jehovah" being used of the Father in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1912)

The following comes from:


Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: The Deseret News Company, 1912)


Hymn 23 (pp. 29, 31):


3 The Temple long expected

Shall stand on Zion's hill,

By willing hearts erected.

Who love Jehovah's will;

Let earth, her wealth bestowing,

Adorn His holy seat.

For nations great shall flow in,

To worship at His feet.


. . .


8 O grant, Eternal Father,

That we may be faithful be,

with all the just to gather,

And Thy salvation see!

Then, with the hosts of heaven,

We'll sing the immortal theme

To Him be glory given

Whose blood did us redeem.


Hymn 97 (p. 107):


2 See! Jehovah's banner's furled,

Sheathed His Sword, He speaks, 'tis


Now the kingdoms of this world

Are the Kingdoms of His Son.


Hymn 129 (p. 142):


1 Sing to the Great Jehovah's praise,

All praise to Him belongs;

Who kindly lengthens out our days

Demands our choicest songs.


2 His providence has brought us through

Another various year;

We all, with vows and anthems new,

Before our God appear.


3 Father, Thy mercies past we own,

Thy still continued care;

To Thee presenting through Thy Son,

whate'er we have or are.


Hymn 259 (p. 280):


4 The name of Jehovah is worthy of praising,

And so is the Savior an excellent theme; . . .


Hymn 332 (p. 398):


1 Though nations rise, and men conspire

Their efforts will be vain;

Jehovah mocks their vile desire

His Zion to defame.


. . .


4 Let Zion's converts now arise;

Our Father's will defend,

And arm them for each glorious war,

Till victory's triumphs end.


5 Armed with His truth: before our face

The people feel dismayed.

And all their treasures and their wealth

Jehovah's purpose aid.


Hymn 337 (p. 403):


3 Man broke the law of his estate

And Jesus came to expiate,

Atone and rescue fallen man,

According to Jehovah's plan.


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