Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Alvin R. Dyer (March 18, 1962): Elias in D&C 110 was Noah


Let me call your attention to the keys of Elias. In the first place, who is Elias? Elias is Noah, Here we have the same one who gave the covenant unto Japheth anciently, that he would be blessed and that we would come in and dwell in the House of Shem. He returned to earth to give the keys unto the Prophet Joseph Smith to fulfill the promise made to Abraham that through the loins of Abraham, or the chosen seed, all the children of the earth would be blessed.


Soon after 1836 the Lord gave the revelation to send missionaries and commence work among the Gentiles in England, and labor in 1850 in France, and then in northern Italy and then these other countries. This was not done, however, until Noah returned the “Key.”


You see, as in Elias the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached unto the Gentiles. Don't you see that what we are doing is a great deal more important than just filling a two and one-half year period as a missionary and then going home? We are working out the plan which the Father laid in the beginning as to what would transpire. What has actually happened? The Lord is preparing men and women today to become heirs of the Celestial Kingdom. This is the only work that is being done. The work for the Terrestrial Kingdom has not even been started yet. It will not start until the work for the Celestial Kingdom is finished. Then all who are to go into the Telestrial Kingdom, will continue until all have made covenant and have received the promise to go into that Kingdom. All of these things will be done in their proper order (Alvin R. Dyer, "For What Purpose?," Mission Conference, Oslo, Norway, March 18, 1962, pp. 9-10)


 Further Reading:

“Elias” as a “forerunner” in LDS Scripture