Saturday, November 25, 2023

Anthony W. Ivins' Journal Entry for May 23, 1910 Concerning Halley's Comet


We drove from St. Joseph to Woodruff where we held a meeting at 8. p.m. Bro. [Francis M.] Lyman spoke first for 45 minutes & I followed. As we came out of the meeting house at 10-15 Halleys comet was in full view, the moon was overcast, with a red mist which almost obscured it notwithstanding the fact that the night was perfectly clear. (Anthony W. Ivins, Journal, May 23, 1910, in Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins, 1875-1932, ed. Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2013], 474)