Saturday, November 25, 2023

Improvement Era (October 1906) on When D&C 87 was First Printed and Where


Revelation on War


When was the revelation on war (Sec 87, Doctrine and Covenants), first printed and where?


The revelation on war, as contained in Sec. 87 of the Doctrine and Covenants, was printed by Elder Franklin D. Richards in the first edition of tie Pearl of Great Price, in 1851. He received a copy of the revelation from Elder Orson Pratt at Liverpool, where the former was then laboring. In the Millennial Star, 1851, page 216, a notice of the publication of the first edition of the Pearl of Great Price appears, with a list of its contents. In this list is included “a revelation given in December 1832, which has never before appeared in print.” It follows clearly from this that the revelation was given to the world years before the event it foretold took place; and that its first publication was by the late Apostle Franklin D. Richards in the Pearl of Great Price, printed in Liverpool, in 1851. ("Questions and Answers," Improvement Era 9, no. 12 [October 1906]: 976)


Further Reading:

Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies