Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Asher Intrater (Messianic Jew) on the coming of "someonein the spirit and power of Elijah" Coming Before the Parousia


Matthew 17:11
Elijah is coming first and will restore all things


Yeshua prophesies that someone in the spirit and power of Elijah will come “first”—that means, before Yeshua returns. The “days of Elijah” restoration will take place before the 2nd Coming. The phrase, “all things” cannot mean all things in the world, because that will only happen after Yeshua returns. This restoration is parallel to the prophecy that “the bride will make herself ready” (Rev. 19:7). The elements of the kingdom of God will be restored within the community of faith before Yeshua returns. When He returns, what is within the people of God will be revealed and given to the nations. A central theme of prophetic ministry in our generation is the restoration of the true Church as we approach the 2nd Coming. (Asher Intrater, Who Ate Lunch with Abraham? The Appearances of God in the Form of a Man in the Hebrew Scriptures [Grand Prairie, Tex.: Tikkun Global Media, 2011], 161-62)


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