David Bartosiewicz has just proven his gullibility. In a recent public facebook status, he wrote (and yes, he is being serious):
I met a beautiful Christian couple in Mexico who shared with me photos of Angels appearing at Believer's Church by Pastor Randy Hollis. I was so amazed over the photo that I put a small video out to show everyone. All I can say is WOW! Look at the size of them. (source)
Here is the video David is talking about:
(there is no angel[s] whatsoever; someone should approach Dave and tell him that they have a bridge in Brooklyn they will sell to him on the cheap and can throw in a tower in Paris for half-price).
Reminds me of the following from The Simpsons:
While not all critics of the LDS Church are this gullible, it does speak volumes about David. Perhaps it is not completely intentional that he lacks intellectual integrity.