Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Terryl Givens, "A Latter-day Saint Defense of the Unborn"

 Terryl Givens has just had an essay published on Public Square Magazine, and it is a must-read:

A Latter-day Saint Defense of the Unborn

It is a great defense of the pro-life position. I am happy to see that not everyone associated with the Neal A. Maxwell Institute these days has jettisoned the morality of the Church to virtue signal to regressive leftists, unlike Patrick Mason, for e.g. Here is a recent twitter exchange we had:

Compare and contrast such sentiments with what the Neal A. Maxwell stated about killing unborn children in the womb (something Mason and his fellow regressive leftists do not think is that big a deal)

Update: As expected, regressive leftist members of the Church who reject the moral theology thereof have been triggered by Terryl. One such example is that of Sam Brunson on By Common Consent. Note the following where he hopes for a greater number of black women to abort their unborn black children:

Nathaniel Givens (son of Terryl) has posted a great defense of Terryl's original piece:

Pro-Life: A Fiercely Held Moderate Position

My advice? If you are pro-choice, just be honest and leave the Church and become a member of a super liberal Protestant Church or even the Community of Christ. If it was up to me, the likes of Brunson et al would be excommunicated.

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