In an anti-Mormon tract published in Wales by Daniel Jones, entitled Y Drych Cywir, lle y gellir canfod yn eglur Twyll Mormoniaid, neu “Seintiau y Dyddiau Diweddaf,” mewn dull o Holiadau ac Atebion, rhwnh Daniel a’I Gyfaill (English: The Correct Image, Wherein One Can Perceive Clearly the Deceit of the Mormons, or the “Latter-day Saints,” in the Form of Questions and Answers, between Daniel and His Friend) (Carmarthen: J. T. Jones, 1847), we read the following on p. 4:
D. Before I
go further with my story, I shall tell you some of the things I heard: one
strange thing they said was that the church had been sent to the wilderness
twelve hundred and sixty years ago, and how they interpreted the prophecy in
the Book of Revelation, 12,6, and that God did not have a true church on earth during
this time, and that an end had come to the appointed time recently through
one called Joseph Smith, from America, having a supernatural revelation of
the form and the order and the authority to restore them to their primitive
privileges and gifts. Now you se that this strikes very close to what I have
told you. (On Trial in the Welsh Press: Latter-day Saint Missionaries
Declare and Defend the Faith, 1840-1860, ed. Ronald D. Dennis [Provo, Utah:
BYU Religious Studies Center, 2023], 563)
Here we see that early Latter-day Saints were
appealing to Rev 12 to support the Great Apostasy.