Mr. TAYLER. Will you state briefly with what powers
and authority Joseph Smith and all the first presidents succeeding him are
Mr. SMITH: My understanding is that they are endowed
with the authority of the holy priesthood.
The CHAIRMAN. The authority of what?
Mr. SMITH: The holy priesthood, which gives them
authority to preach the gospel and administer in all the ordinances of the
gospel by authority from God, the gospel being a gospel of repentance of sin,
faith in God and in Jesus Christ, his Son, and in the Holy Ghost, and baptism
by immersion for the remission of sins, by one holding authority from God to
baptize and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. This is the
authority that is exercised and held laying on of hands. This is the authority that
is exercised and held by the president o the church, as we believe. (Proceedings
Before the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the United States Senate in
the Matter of the Protests Against the Right of Hon. Reed Smoot, a Senator from
the State of Utah, to Hold His Seat, 4 vols. [Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1906), 1:94)