Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Brigham Young (June 20, 1874) on Latter-day Saints being co-workers with Christ


Are we co-workers with the Savior to redeem the children of men and all things pertaining to the earth? I will answer for the Saints and say that we most assuredly believe we are. All who, while in the flesh, received and were faithful to the Priesthood, labored with the Savior while they remained here, and when they passed into the spirit world their labors did not cease, but they passed into the prison, and, to this day, they are preaching to the spirits there, and laboring for the salvation of the human family and for the earth and all things pertaining to it. (Brigham Young, June 29, 1874, in The Collected Discourses of Brigham Young, ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, 5 vols.[Salt Lake City: The Smith-Pettit Foundation, 2009], 5:1118 [kindle ed.])




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