Saturday, January 12, 2019

Recent articles on Utah's Suicide Rates in general and among LGB"T" Populations Specifically

John Hales, Utah researcher: theory of religious influences in Utah LGBT suicides may be overblown

Jeff Lindsay, Imagine Fewer Dragons (and More Data): Initial Reactions to the Film Believer with Dan Reynolds and John Dehlin

Idem, The Height of Absurdity? Revisiting the Impact of Altitude, Oxygen, and Serotonin on Suicide Rates

Idem, If Utah were an Island

While many believe that "Mormonism" to be harmful to the LGB"T" movement, in reality, it is LGB"T" itself that is intrinsically harmful and destructive. I think it would be important to highlight two studies on the issue of an active homosexual lifestyle and the health risks associated therewith, both from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Shifting blame to the fact that Utah has a high Latter-day Saint population is disingenuous.

(for those wondering, I have "T" in brackets as there are only two genders, and frankly, the LGB parts of the movement are shooting themselves in the foot, as are their "allies," in normalising a mental illness; for more, see, for e.g. Ryan T. Anderson, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment and Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences by Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., PhD. and Paul R. McHugh, PhD.)

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